The i3 is designed as your gateway into open collaborative automation, propelling your organization into the future of progress. Highly flexible, the i3 is our most compact, lightweight cobot. Thanks to it’s small footprint it shines in tight clearances and small workspaces – be it benchtop or inside machinery. While small, the i3 retains full degree rotation on all wrist joints making it the perfect choice for light assembly and repeated movement applications.
The cutting edge of cobot technology. We’ve designed our software to be fine tuned to your needs. Our cobots feature an open SDK that supports languages such as: C, C++, C#, Lua, and Python – every i-Series cobot ships with open communication protocols for TCP/IP, Modbus RTU & Modbus TCP, and supports Linux, Windows, or ROS integration.
We push our cobots to the limit – so you can too. The i3 runs the gauntlet of a meticulously detailed test process that allows AUBO to control even the slightest inconsistencies in its overall durability, lifespan, and design. Our test protocol of over 160 tests includes vibration, high temperature, part wear, performance at age, repeatability, operating noise, laser calibration, precision, and more – we ensure the quality and durability of our products are at their pinnacle before a single cobot leaves our production floor.
Contact Us
+1 833-282-6276
11701 Metro Airport Center Dr, Romulus, MI 48174